13 research outputs found

    Türk Mısır (Zea mays L.) hibridlerinin üşüme stresi toleranslarında fenotipik varyasyonların belirlenmesi

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) is a tropical crop and chilling temperatures (below 15 ºC) cause growth retardation and yield losses. The development of chilling-tolerant maize varieties is one of the goals of plant breeders growing maize in cool climates. Hybrids are more vigorous than their parents, including being more tolerant to diverse stresses. However, stress screening is a problematic. This study aims to evaluate chilling stress tolerance of Turkish maize hybrids and to determine suitable indicators for selecting the most tolerant hybrid. Nine hybrids were subjected to low night-time temperatures following germination until the third leaf was fully enlarged. Hybrids were evaluated at the morphological, cellular and physiological levels by comparison with control seedlings. The data were subjected to kinematic analysis and statistical tools. The findings showed that all indicators differed significantly among the hybrids. Indicators such as leaf elongation rate, mature cell length and cell production increase our understanding of stress tolerance by establishing connections between phenotype and cellular functions. Shoot fresh and dry weight emerged useful indicators for revealing association between growth and the physiological stress response of seedlings. In conclusion, this study identified beneficial indicators for breeding studies at early seedling screening of maize hybrids exhibiting genetic variation in terms of chilling stress tolerance.Mısır (Zea mays L.) tropikal orjinli bir bitkidir ve düşük sıcaklıklar (15 ᵒC'nin altında) büyüme inhibisyonuna yol açarak verim kayıplarına neden olur. Bu nedenle, üşüme stresine dayanıklı mısır çeşitlerinin geliştirilmesi, serin iklimlerde mısır yetiştirebilmek için mısır ıslahçılarının temel amaçları arasındadır. Hibridler, çeşitli streslere daha toleranslı olduklarından ebeveynlerine göre üstündür. Ancak, stres taramasının yapılması zordur. Bu bağlamda, çalışma, Türk mısır hibritlerinin üşüme stres toleranslarını değerlendirmeyi ve en toleranslı hibrit seçiminde uygun belirteçleri belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu doğrultuda dokuz farklı genotipe sahip mısır hibridi, çimlenmelerinin ardından üçüncü yaprakları tamamen olgunlaşıncaya kadar düşük gece sıcaklığına maruz bırakılmıştır. Üşümeye maruz bırakılan hibridler, kontrol şartlarında yetiştirilen fideler ile karşılaştırılarak stres toleransları morfolojik, hücresel ve fizyolojik seviyelerde değerlendirilmiştir. Veriler kinematik analiz ve istatistiksel araçlar ile analiz edilmiştir. Bulgulara göre, tüm stres belirteçleri hibridler arasında önemli derecede farklılık göstermiştir. Yaprak uzama oranı (LER), olgun hücre uzunluğu (MCL) ve hücre üretimi (CP) gibi belirteçler, fenotip ve hücresel fonksiyonlar arasında bağlantı kurmaya olanak sağladığından stres tolerans mekanizmasını anlamamızda faydalı olduğu görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte, taze ve kuru fide ağırlığının (SFW ve SDW) fidelerin büyüme ile fizyolojik stres tepkisi arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya çıkarmak için yararlı göstergeler olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışma, genetik varyasyon sergilediği gözlenen üşüme stresi toleransı geliştirmeyi amaçlayan ıslah çalışmalarında mısırın erken aşamada taranabilmesine olanak sağlayan bir yaklaşım sunmaktadır

    Physical mapping integrated with syntenic analysis to characterize the gene space of the long arm of wheat chromosome 1A

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    Background: Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important crops worldwide and its production faces pressing challenges, the solution of which demands genome information. However, the large, highly repetitive hexaploid wheat genome has been considered intractable to standard sequencing approaches. Therefore the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) proposes to map and sequence the genome on a chromosome-by-chromosome basis. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have constructed a physical map of the long arm of bread wheat chromosome 1A using chromosome-specific BAC libraries by High Information Content Fingerprinting (HICF). Two alternative methods (FPC and LTC) were used to assemble the fingerprints into a high-resolution physical map of the chromosome arm. A total of 365 molecular markers were added to the map, in addition to 1122 putative unique transcripts that were identified by microarray hybridization. The final map consists of 1180 FPC based or 583 LTC based contigs. Conclusions/Significance: The physical map presented here marks an important step forward in mapping of hexaploid bread wheat. The map is orders of magnitude more detailed than previously available maps of this chromosome, and the assignment of over a thousand putative expressed gene sequences to specific map locations will greatly assist future functional studies. This map will be an essential tool for future sequencing of and positional cloning within chromosome 1A

    The possible contribution of NO and cyclooxygenase pathways to the effect of L-cysteine/H2S pathway on the contractile response of KCl in mouse gastric fundus

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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda, fare mide fundus dokusunda L-sistein/hidrojen sülfür (H2S) yolağının potasyum klorür (KCl) kasılma yanıtları üzerindeki etkisi ve bu etkide nitrik oksid (NO) ve siklooksijenaz (COX) yolaklarının olası katkılarının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: İzole fare fundus şeritlerinde, kümülatif KCl (10-80 mM) ile kasılma yanıtları oluşturulup, L-sistein (10 mM)’in bu kasılma yanıtları üzerindeki etkisi incelendi. Ayrıca, H2S’in endojen olarak sentezine aracılık eden sistatyon beta-sentaz (CBS) enzim inhibitörü aminooksiasetik asid (AOAA; 1 mM) ve sistatyon gamma-liyaz (CSE) enzim inhibitörü proparjil glisin (PAG, 10 mM) varlığında, L-sistein ’in KCl kasılma yanıtları üzerindeki etkisi araştırıldı. L-sistein’in KCl kasılmaları üzerindeki etkisine NO ve COX yolaklarının olası katkısı, nitrik oksid sentaz (NOS) enzim inhibitörü L-Nitroarjinin (L-NA; 0.1 mM) ve non-selektif COX enzim inhibitörü indometazin (0.001 mM) varlığında incelendi. Bulgular: AOAA, L-sistein’in KCl kasılmaları üzerindeki inhibe edici etkisinin geri çevrilmesine neden oldu. PAG varlığında ise, L-sistein’in düşük konsantrasyonlardaki KCl kasılma yanıtları üzerindeki inhibe edici etkisinin azaldığı gözlendi. L-NA içeren ortamda, L-sistein sadece maksimum KCl kasılma yanıtında bir inhibisyona neden oldu. Bu inhibe edici etki, AOAA ve PAG ile geri çevrildi. İndometazin ise, L-sistein’in KCl kasılmaları üzerindeki düşük konsantrasyondaki inhibe edici etkisinin azalmasına neden oldu. Sonuç: Bu bulgular, fare fundus dokusunda L-sistein/ H2S yolağının KCl kasılma yanıtları üzerinde inhibitör etkisinin olduğunu ve bu etkinin NO ve COX yolakları ile ilişkili olabileceğini düşündürmektedir.Purpose: The aim of present study, was to investigate the effect of L-cysteine/ hydrogen sulfide (H2S) pathway on contractile response to potassium chloride in mouse gastric fundus and possible contributions of nitric oxide (NO) and cyclooxygenase (COX) pathways in this effect Material and Methods: The contractile responses to cumulative KCl was produced in isolated mouse fundus strips and the effect of L-cysteine (10 mM) on this responses was examined. In addition, the effect of L-cysteine on the contractile responses to KCI were investigated in the presence cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) enzyme inhibitor aminoxyacetic acid (AOAA; 1 mM) and cystathionine gamma-lyase (CSE) enzyme inhibitor propargyl glycine (PAG, 10 mM), which mediated the endogenously synthesize of H2S. The possible contribution of NO and COX pathways to the effect of L-cysteine on KCl contractions was examined in the presence of L-Nitroarginine (L-NA; 0.1 mM), a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor and indomethacin (0.001 M), a non-selective COX inhibitor. Results: The inhibitory effect of L-cysteine on contractile response was significantly reversed by AOAA. However, PAG reduced the inhibitory effect of L-cysteine on the contractile responses to lower concentrations KCl. In the presence of L-NA, L-cysteine decreased the maximum contractile response to KCl and this inhibitory effect was reversed by AOAA and PAG. The inhibitory effect of L-cysteine on the contractile response to lower concentration of KCl was reversed with indomethacin. Conclusion: The findings of current study suggest that L-cystein/H2S pathway has an inhibitory effect on the contractile response to KCl and this effect may be related NO and COX pathways

    The Investigation Of The Relaxant Mechanism Of Hydrogen Sulfide In Isolated Corpus Cavernosum.

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    TEZ10132Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2013.Kaynakça (s. 94-108) var.xiv, 109 s. : tablo ; 29 cm.Çalışmamızda, izole fare korpus kavernosum dokusunda hidrojen sülfür (H2S)’ün gevşetici etki mekanizması araştırıldı. Bu amaçla, fenilefrin ile kastırılmış izole fare korpus kavernosum dokularında L-sistein (10-6-10-3) ve H2S donörü sodyum hidrojen sülfür (NaHS;10-6-10-3) ile gevşeme yanıtları oluşturuldu. Lsistein (10-3 M) ile oluşan gevşeme yanıtları sistation beta sentaz inhibitörü aminooksiasetik asid ile etkilenmezken, sistation gama liyaz enzim inhibitörü D,Lproparjil glisin ile anlamlı olarak azaldı. Endotelyumsuz dokularda, NaHS ile oluşan gevşeme yanıtlarında bir değişiklik gözlenmedi. Nitrik oksid sentaz inhibitörü N?-nitro-L-arjinin (10-4 M), guanilil siklaz inhibitörü ODQ (10-4 M) ve bu inhibitörlerin kombinasyonu NaHS ile oluşan gevşeme yanıtlarını artırdı. Fosfodiesteraz inhibitörleri zaprinast ve sildenafil NaHS gevşeme yanıtlarını azalttı. Adenilil siklaz inhibitörleri NEM (2.5x10-5 M) veya SQ22536 (10-4 M) ile NaHS gevşeme yanıtlarında anlamlı bir azalma gözlendi. NaHS gevşemeleri, yüksek K+ (50mM), voltaja-bağımlı K+ kanal inhibitörü 4-aminopiridin (10-3 M), ATP’ye duyarl ı-K+ kanal inhibitörü glibenklamid (10-5 M) ve içeri doğrultucu K+ kanal inhibitörü baryum klorür (10-5 M) varlığında anlamlı bir şekilde azaldı. Ancak, küçük kondüktanslı Ca2+ ile aktive edilen K+ kanal blokörü apamin, orta ve yüksek kondüktanslı Ca2+ ile aktive edilen K+ kanal blokörü karibdotoksin ve apamin + karibdotoksin kombinasyonu, NaHS ile dokularda oluşan gevşeme yanıtlarında bir değişiklik oluşturmadı. L-tipi Ca2+ kanal inhibitörü nifedipin (10-6 M) ve muskarinik reseptör blokörü atropin (10-6 M) NaHS gevşemelerini inhibe etti. Ancak, Na+-K+-ATPaz inhibitörü uvabain (10-4 M) NaHS gevşemelerini etkilemedi. Sonuç olarak, fare korpus kavernosum dokusunda endojen olarak H2S’in L-sistein’den , sistation gama liyaz enzimi araılcığıyla sentezlendiği, gevşetici etkisini endotelyum’dan bağımsız olarak direkt düz kas üzerinden; i)adenilil siklaz/cAMP, ii) K+ kanalları, iii) L-tipi voltaja-bağımlı Ca2+ kanalları ve iv) muskarinik reseptörler aracılığıyla gerçekleştirebileceği ve bu etkisinin NO/sGMP tarafından baskılandığı düşünülmektedir.In the present study, the relaxant mechanism of hydrogen sulfide was investigated in isolated corpus cavernosum tissue., L-cystein- and sodium hydrogen sulfide- (NaHS; H2S donor; 10-6-10-3) induced relaxant responses on the isolated mouse corpus cavernosum tissue which was pre-contracted by phenylephrine. L-cystein-induced relaxations significantly was reduced by D,Lprop argylglycine, cystathionine gama lyase inhibitor whereas not influenced by aminooxyacetic acid, cystathionine beta synthase inhibitor. The relaxant response to NaHS did not change in endotheium-denuded tissues. Nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N?-nitro-L-arginin (10-4 M), guanylyl cyclase inhibitor ODQ (10-4 M) and combination of these inhibitor increased the relaxant response to NaHS. NaHSinduced relaxant response was inhibited by zaprinast (5x10-6 M) and sildenafil (10- 6 M), phosphodiesterase inhibitors. NaHS-induced relaxation was significantly reduced by N-Ethylmalemeid (2.5x10-5 M) and SQ22536 (10-4 M), adenylyl cyclase inhibitors. Also, NaHS-induced relaxation was reduced in the presence of high potassium (50 mM), voltage-gated potassium channel inhibitor 4-aminopyridine, ATP-sensitive potassium channel inhibitor glibenclamide (10-5 M), inward rectifier potassium channel inhibitor barium chloride (10-5 M). However, NaHS-induced relaxation was not influenced by small conductance calcium activated potassium channel inhibitor apamin (10-6 M), intermediate and large conductance calcium activated potassium channel inhibitor charybdotoxin (10-7 M) and combination of apamin and charybdotoxin. L-type calcium channel blocker nifedipine and muscarinic receptor blocker atropine inhibited relaxant response to NaHS. However, NaHS-induced relaxation was not influenced by ouabain (10-4 M). We conclude that, in mouse corpus cavernosum tissue H2S may be produced endogenously from L-cysteine by cystathionine gama lyase enzyme; the relaxant effect of H2S endothelium-independent and directly acts on smooth muscle via; i) adenylyl cyclase/cAMP ii) potassium channels iii) L-type calcium channel and iv) muscarinic receptors and, this relaxant effect may be suppressed by NO/sGMP.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TF2010D12

    Genotype-environment interaction of cirsium (asteraceae, cardueae) taxa distributed on north-east anatolia by using spatial analyst techniques

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    Conference: 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference (SGEM 2016) Location: Albena, BULGARIA Date: JUN 30-JUL 06, 2016Cirsium Miller is perennial, biennial or rarely annual, spiny species and contains more than 250 taxa. This genus is represented 77 taxa at the level of species, subspecies and twenty eight of them are endemic to Turkey. Distribution of Cirsium depends on environmental conditions where they are grown. Therefore, to define and maintain environmental conditions of the local distribution area of plants are crucial to protect them from extinction. In this context, 6 provinces of north-east Anatolia of Turkey including Giresun, Trabzon, Rize, Artvin, Gumushane, and Bayburt were chosen as study area. After determining potential Cirsium distribution areas by field work, 109 plants representing 24 taxa were collected with location coordinates. By using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) techniques, environmental data such as elevation, slope, aspect, road, and river were collected for all regions. These data sets were combined in GIS database and analysed by using spatial analysis and surface analysis techniques. As a result, environmental data values were analysed and produced for each Cirsium distribution area. Cirsium distribution areas were categorized in view of classes of elevation levels, slope and aspect groups, distance to road and river, and so on. Variance analysis showed distribution of Circium taxa significantly correlated with environmental factors except aspect has not displayed any differences on distribution of taxa.Bulgarian Acad Sci; Acad Sci Czech Republ; Latvian Acad Sci; Polish Acad Sci; Russian Acad Sci; Serbian Acad Sci & Arts; Slovak Acad Sci; Natl Acad Sci Ukraine; Inst Water Problem & Hydropower NAS KR; Natl Acad Sci Armenia; Sci Council Japan; World Acad Sci; European Acad Sci Arts & Lett; Acad Sci Moldova; Montenegrin Acad Sci & Arts; Croatian Acad Sci & Arts; Georgian Natl Acad Sci; Acad Fine Arts & Design Bratislava; Turkish Acad Sci; Bulgarian Ind Assoc; Bulgarian Minist Environm & Wate

    Identification and expression profiles of putative leaf growth related microRNAs in maize (Zea mays L.) hybrid ADA313

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    Throughout the plant life cycle, growth of new leaves is governed by cell division and cell expansion. During steady-state growth of the maize leaf, these processes are spatially separated between the meristem zone, consisting of dividing cells at the leaf base, the elongation zone, consisting of expanding cells moving upwards from the meristem, and the mature zone containing differentiated mature cells. Increased leaf size can be achieved through increasing cell number or cell size, for example by manipulating the genes controlling the transition between those zones. In this study, microRNA (miRNA) genes, which are a class of endogenous small, non-coding gene regulatory RNAs, were investigated in the growth zones, to gain insight into their role in the transition between cell division and cell expansion. A genome-wide survey was conducted using a miRNA-microarray and 59 miRNA genes were detected to be differentially expressed between the growth zones. miR160, miR166, miR168, miR172, miR319 and miR390 families were significantly up-regulated in the meristem relative to the elongation and mature zones. In contrast, expression of the miR167 and miR396 families was lower in the meristem and higher in the mature zone. Therefore, these were considered to be candidate growth-regulated miRNAs that control cell division processes indirectly by repressing target genes. The miR156, miR166, miR167, miR399, miR408 and miR2275 families were expressed most highly in the elongation zone, and so were classified as elongation-specific, with possible roles in switching from cell division to cell elongation during leaf differentiation. In silico target prediction analysis showed that these miRNAs target several transcription factors and metabolic genes, and a reciprocal relationship between the expression levels of miR319 and miR396 and their targets was confirmed by qRT-PCR. Furthermore, 12 candidate novel miRNAs were identified from the microarray data and computationally verified. Three out of twelve were also validated by qRT-PCR. These findings provide important information regarding the regulatory functions of miRNAs in controlling progression of growth mechanisms

    Autoinflammation in addition to combined immunodeficiency: SLC29A3 gene defect

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    Introduction: H Syndrome is an autosomal recessive (AR) disease caused by defects in SLCA29A3 gene. This gene encodes the equilibrative nucleoside transporter, the protein which is highly expressed in spleen, lymph node and bone marrow. Autoinflammation and autoimmunity accompanies H Syndrome (HS)

    Using Linear Topology to resolve problematic contigs.

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    <p>Contig205 from the 1AL physical map is represented as a net of significant clone overlaps using LTC software <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0059542#pone.0059542-Frenkel1" target="_blank">[6]</a>, with each vertex representing a clone, and each line a significant overlap between 2 clones. Red circles represent MTP clones, while squares denote clones that have no direct overlap with the MTP. Shapes with a white border denote buried clones. Indicated clone TaaCsp1AL027L01 has multiple significant overlaps with clones in both the left and right halves of the contig, and so has been selected as an MTP clone by FPC (orange bar). However, the fact that no other clones connect the 2 halves of the contig suggest that this may be a chimeric clone, and the contig should be split. Possible MTP routes for the 2 resulting contigs are indicated by the light and dark green bars.</p